Comments on BEPS Action 6: Prevent Treaty Abuse

The BMG has now published its comments on the Revised Discussion Draft under Action 6, Prevent Treaty Abuse.


A key test of whether the BEPS project can be a success is whether it will result in the inclusion of effective anti-abuse provisions in all tax treaties, not only prospectively, by formulating suitable provisions in the model treaty, but also more directly and quickly, by inclusion of such provisions in the proposed Multilateral Convention (MC), which aims to amend existing treaties.

The RDD proposes a ‘simplified’ limitation of benefits (LoB) provision, and as a minimum standard either (i) a combination of a principal purpose test (PPT) and an LoB provision, or (ii) a PPT provision alone, or (iii) an LoB rule plus some mechanism for dealing with conduit arrangements which are not already covered by other treaty provisions. However, the LoB provision is stated as only a bare outline with a direction to include whatever wording each pair of negotiating states can agree, while the full detailed wording of an LoB article is only in the Commentary, for use by states which prefer not to include a PPT provision.

This approach has exacerbated the concerns we expressed on the previous draft, that it would make it harder for small developing countries to conclude suitable treaties, and result in a kaleidoscope of different provisions, very likely leaving a continued scope for treaty shopping and increasing complexity for tax authorities as well as tax payers.

Furthermore, the RDD does not discuss how such provisions might be included in the MC, and the proposed ‘flexible’ format would make such inclusion difficult if not impossible.

Our comments also include a number of specific technical suggestions.

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